SPHERE OF INFLUENCE, does everyone understand what that means? Do you know what the best use is of that sphere of influence? I think I do. Amazingly enough even living out in the middle of nowhere with half a house I still have some amazing connections from my past life. At times I call on them. Not for me but for total strangers.
I was in my least favorite store the north Walmart yesterday for a bathroom is a bathroom no matter where it is, when I noticed a woman sitting at the customer service desk. Slow tears were coursing down her face and the look of desperation was palatable from across the floor as I passed to go to the bathroom. When I came back I saw that her head was hung low as she quietly whispered into the phone. I stopped and slowly approached her. I looked into her eyes and reached out and hugged her and said, "Honey, it will be ok whats wrong?? She said she bought something on the walmart website that was 25% off and yet they charged her card the full amount and it was the third time and now she could not pay her rent on time and the landlord was very upset. She used his full name and it clicked into place that I knew him. As I stood there listening the customer service person came over and explained to the woman that they would return the funds to her account within ten days. The woman started to cry again and slumped into the chair.
I said I will be right back just sit here will you for a second. I walked back into the bathroom and called her landlord, for I even had his number still in my phone and explained the situation to him in full. I then asked him to call her and give her grace right after I got off the phone until she could get the rent to him in ten days. He agreed on my word that I would trade him a painting for her rent if she was unable to get it to him by the end of the month.
I walked out of the bathroom and walked back over to her just as he called. I stood there waiting as she listened to her landlord tell her a friend had just called and asked for a favor for her and he was happy to give her the time to get it sorted out. Her eyes got wide as she looked into my eyes.
I gave her another hug and walked away.
That my friends is what meaning of sphere of influence. Having relationships with enough people who deep in their hearts care so much about other people that just a phone call can effect a total stranger. That type of influence to me is the most important influence anyone should develop. If I don't have that influence with you why not? Join me in being able to call each other and help those in need. A little kindness goes a long way.
I am thankful that even though I don't have a lot in material things, I am thankful for everyone who has helped us in the past and I want to remind you all, if it is within my virtual means, if I can use one of my artworks to help someone else truly in need I will answer a call from you to help.
I challenge you all to do the same.
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